* All AAA- electrical products have CE marking for European market
* All AAA- products are compliant to RoHS 2002/95/CE directory

* Rated 350A continuous duty at 12V
* Rated 800A intermittant
* Luminous label
* Surface mount or flush mount
* Made of PC with a Micro Switch
* Vapor tight

127mm x 127mm x 86mm (H)

기본 사양: AAA-10008 (배터리 스위치 (OFF-1-BOTH-2)) - 12V 연속 350A, 순간 800A판매단위  용도 배터리 스위치 성능 OFF - 1-BOTH - 2 재질 ABS 무게  용량/크기 127 x 127 x 86 사용정원  인증 CE 제품사양은 예고없이 변동될수 있습니다.